Vieni a trovarci

Loc. Cuignon 7 - Val Veny Courmayeur (Ao)


08:30 - 19:30

Contattaci +39 0165 86 90 73



In this particular period we want to keep you informed about the measures we have adopted for the protection of everyone.


We have laid out some rules and guidelines that must be observed out of respect for guests and our staff:



• the use of a mask to cover the mouth and nose is mandatory;


• we invite you to frequently sanitize your hands: for this reason, we have placed gel dispensers for disinfection in various points of the campsite;


• gatherings are prohibited;


• we ask you to always respect an interpersonal distance of at least 1 meter, with the exception of people from the same family unit;


• to avoid crowds, during the check-in and check-out phases we ask that only ONE person per family access the reception;


• entrance to the mini-market is allowed to only ONE person at your disposal and always with the obligation to use gloves and a mask;


• we prefer payments in electronic and contactless format;


• we ask that, for those who have the opportunity, the use of the internal toilets in caravans and campers should be preferred to the common services.





For your safety, we have provided internal measures that the staff is required to follow:



• we have set up a training and information system regarding the behaviors to be followed;


• employees are required to always wear a mask inside the buildings;


• we have provided all environments with specific material and equipment for the sanitation of surfaces, equipment and objects;


• a parafiato is placed in correspondence with the box;


• every object that will be provided for use by the structure to guests, will be adequately disinfected after each use;


• all environments and premises, especially the toilets, will be frequently cleaned and disinfected as well as ventilated for air change;


• in the bar, the distance between the tables required by the regulations will be guaranteed as well as all the necessary precautions;


• in our tents, at the departure of each guest, the surfaces and all objects inside will be thoroughly disinfected.




We trust in the cooperation of all guests to respect the indications, and we know that it will be a wonderful summer under our great guardian.


« Hobo non è solo un lavoratore nomade, è anche uno che si gode la vita, un superstite del romanticismo. Nutrito di un immaginario potente, impersona la figura del pioniere, dell'esploratore. »

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